The Bachelor of Science is Civil Engineering is a four-year undergraduate degree program, designed to equip ministry-bound men and women with the knowledge and skills required to design and build civil infrastructure systems, with emphasis on the austere conditions found in the developing world.
The program combines core curricular studies in Bible, general education, math, science, and engineering with the aim of cultivating a Biblical worldview and an engineering approach to solving complex problems, consistent with the mission of Olivet University.
In the context of Olivet University's mission, completion of the Bachelor of Science is Civil Engineering program will enable students to:
Undergraduate students at Olivet University must fulfill the following Bachelor's degree requirements for graduation:
Biblical Studies and Theological Studies (48 units)
Students must complete the following twelve core Biblical Studies and Theological Studies courses:
BIBL100 Introduction to Old Testament (4 units)
BIBL110 Introduction to New Testament (4 units)
BIBL140 Pentateuch (4 units)
BIBL200 Life & Teachings of Jesus (4 units)
BIBL210 Acts and Life & Teachings of Paul (4 units)
BIBL211 The Pauline Epistles (4 units)
BIBL220 Non-Pauline Letters and the Apocalypse (4 units)
THEO100 Introduction to Theology (4 units)
THEO200 God, Creation, and Redemption (4 units)
THEO210 Spirit, Church, and Hope (4 units)
THEO110 Historical Theology (4 units)
THEO220 Christian Ethics (4 units)
General Education (54 Units)
GE120 English Literature & Composition (4 units)
GE230 Introduction to Arts or GE/240 Introduction to Music (4 units)
EN100 Calculus 1 (5 units)*
EN110 Calculus 2 (5 units)*
IT100 Programming Methodology (4 units)
GE250 Biology (4 units)*
EN120 Differential Equations (4 units)*
EN130 Calculus-Based Physics 1 (4 units)*
EN210 Chemistry 1 (4 units)*
EN200 Calculus-Based Physics 2 (4 units)*
EN220 Chemistry 2 (4 units)*
EN230 Probability & Statistics (4 units)*
EC200 Macroeconomics (4 units)
*Also contributes to math and basic science credit for the Civil Engineering Major.
General Ministry Skills (0 Unit)
Bachelor of Science Students are required to pass 6 quarters of CS100 Christian Service and 9 quarters of CH000 Chapel.* Please refer to the Christian Service Program Handbook for more detailed information. *Onsite students are required to pass CH000 every term that they are enrolled.
Civil Engineering Major Courses (81 units)
EN140 Introduction to Engineering (2 units)
EN240 Statics and Dynamics (4 units)
EN250 Mechanics of Materials (4 units)
EN260 Engineering Materials (with Lab) (5 units)
EN300 Linear Algebra (4 units)
EN301 Engineering Math (5 units)
EN310 Structural Analysis (4 units)
EN320 Surveying (4 units)
EN321 Construction Project Management (4 units)
EN330 Fluid Mechanics (4 units)
EN 331 Hydrology and Hydraulics (with Lab) (5 units)
EN340 Soil Mechanics (4 units)
EN341 Foundation engineering (4 units)
EN350 Electrical Circuits (4 units)
EN410 Structural Design 1 (4 units)
EN411 Structural Design 2 (4 units)
EN420 Construction Estimating (4 units)
EN490 Senior Design 1 (4 units)
EN491 Senior Design 2 (4 units)
EN492 Civil Engineering Professional Practice (4 units)
Civil Engineering Major Courses (81 units)
EN100 Calculus 1 (5 units)
This course covers single and multi-variable differential calculus, including 3-dimensional geometry and vectors. Applications in science and engineering are emphasized.
EN110 Calculus 2 (5 units)
This course is a continuation of EN110, with coverage of single and multi-variable integral calculus and elementary ordinary differential equations. Applications in science and engineering are emphasized.
EN120 Differential Equations (4 units)
This course covers analytic and numerical solutions to differential equations and systems of differential equations, using a variety of techniques. An introduction to classical partial differential equations is also included. Prerequisite: EN110.
EN130 Calculus-Based Physics 1 (4 units)
This course is designed to promote scientific literacy and to develop the use of scientific modes of thought to solve complex problems. Course content includes classical mechanics, including the laws of motion, conservation of energy, and conservation of momentum. Prerequisite: EN110.
EN200 Calculus-Based Physics 2 (4 units)
This course is a continuation of EN200, with coverage of electrostatics, magnetism, circuits, and optics. Prerequisite: EN130.
EN140 Introduction to Engineering (2 units)
The course provides an introduction to the engineering disciplines and to the engineering design process. Students will complete a major design project which includes fabrication and testing of a prototype.
EN210 Chemistry 1 (4 units)
This is the first in a two-course sequence that examines the nature of matter, its atomic and molecular structure, and the associated energies involved. Fundamental concepts, principles, theories, and laws of chemistry are addressed. Major topics include stoichiometry, states of matter, solutions, kinetics, thermodynamics, acid-base and redox equilibria, electro-, organic, and nuclear chemistry.
EN220 Chemistry 2 (4 units)
This is the second in a two-course sequence that examines stoichiometry, states of matter, solutions, kinetics, thermodynamics, acid-base and redox equilibria, electro-, organic, and nuclear chemistry. Prerequisite: EN210
EN230 Probability & Statistics (4 units)
This course addresses fundamental probability and statistical concepts, with emphasis on reasoning under conditions of uncertainty. Major topics include data analysis; modeling, probabilistic models, simulation, random variables and their distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and simple linear regression.
EN240 Statics and Dynamics (4 units)
This course examines the effects of forces acting on particles and rigid bodies. The first half of the course—statics—addresses the topics of static equilibrium in two and three dimensions, to include distributed loads, trusses, frames, friction, and cables. The second half—dynamics—includes both kinematics and kinetics, including the methods of force-acceleration, work-energy, and impulse-momentum. Prerequisite: EN130.
EN250 Mechanics of Materials (4 units)
This course examines the behavior of deformable bodies under normal, shear, torsional, bending, and combined loads. The concepts of stress, strain, creep, fatigue, and material properties are covered. Prerequisite: EN240
EN260 Engineering Materials (with Lab) (5 units)
This course explores the relationship between the microscopic structure and macroscopic properties of materials used in engineering applications. Metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites (including concrete) are covered, and their mechanical behavior is examined in the laboratory. Prerequisite: EN250
EN300 Linear Algebra (4 units)
This course covers solutions to homogeneous and non-homogeneous systems of
Equations, with strong emphasis on engineering applications. Prerequisite: EN110
EN301 Engineering Math (4 units)
This course covers the mathematical techniques required to solve advanced engineering problems. Emphasis is placed upon using mathematics to gain insight into natural and man-made phenomena that give rise to problems in vector calculus and differential equations. Prerequisite: EN120
EN310 Structural Analysis (4 units)
This course addresses the analysis and design of basic structural elements—beams, trusses, and frames. Classical deflection techniques (direct integration and virtual work) and indeterminate analysis methods (force method and displacement methods) are used to determine forces and deflections in elastic structures. Structural analysis computer programs are introduced.
EN320 Surveying (4 units)
This course addresses the principles of differential leveling, taping, electronic distance measurement and angular measurement. Topics in plane surveying include traverse, triangulation, trilateration, level networks and the proper adjustment of related measurements.
EN321 Construction Project Management (4 units)
This course addresses the management of construction, to include scope of work, scheduling, planning, progress reporting, resource constraining, and quality control. The roles of the contractor, owner, and designer are explained.
EN330 Fluid Mechanics (4 units)
This course addresses the scientific principles of fluid statics and fluid flow, to include incompressible flow in pipes and turbomachinery and an introduction to open-channel flow.
EN 331 Hydrology and Hydraulics (with Lab) (5 units)
This course addresses both hydrology—the study of occurrence, movement and distribution of rainfall—and hydraulic design—the application of fluid mechanics and other scientific principles to design structures and development water resources. Hydrologic principles are applied to model and analyze the distribution and movement of rainfall in a watershed. Hydraulic principles are applied to analyze and design flow through systems of reservoirs, channels and culverts. Prerequisite: EN330
EN340 Soil Mechanics (4 units)
This course addresses the behavior of soil as a construction or foundation material. Key topics include soil properties, soil stresses, earth pressures, and consolidation settlement. Prerequisite: EN250
EN341 Foundation Engineering (4 units)
This course covers the design of building and bridge foundations, based upon applicable engineering principles and fundamental concepts of soil behavior. Topics include slope stability, field testing, designing braced excavations, designing piles and drilled shafts, designing earth retaining structures, and designing earth structures using geosynthetics. Prerequisite: EN340
EN350 Electrical Circuits (4 units)
This introductory course in electrical engineering provides a foundation in basic circuit theory and analysis, power in circuits and electric power systems, and analog electronics. Prerequisite: EN200.
EN410 Structural Design 1 (4 units)
This is the first course in a two-course sequence addressing the design of structural elements in steel, reinforced concrete, and timber. Topics include the design of axially loaded elements and beams in all three materials. Current industry-standard codes and software tools are used throughout the course. Prerequisite: EN310.
EN411 Structural Design 2 (4 units)
This is the second course in a two-course sequence addressing the design of structural elements in steel, reinforced concrete, and timber. Topics include the design of trusses, frames, and simple connections. Current industry-standard codes and software tools are used throughout the course. Prerequisite: EN410.
EN420 Construction Estimating (4 units)
This course covers the process of estimating the required time, labor, materials, and cost of the activities constituting a construction project. Rough-order-of-magnitude and detailed cost estimating are covered. Prerequisite: EN321.
EN490 Senior Design 1 (4 units)
This is the first course in a two-course senior design experience, in which student teams apply and synthesize their knowledge of structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydrology, hydraulic engineering, and construction management in the client-based design of a real-world facility or infrastructure system. During this course, emphasis is on problem definition, identification of functional requirements and constraints, and development of a conceptual design. Prerequisites: EN331, EN341, EN411, EN420.
EN491 Senior Design 2 (4 units)
This is the second course in a two-course senior design experience involving the comprehensive design of a facility or infrastructure system. During this course, student teams will develop final designs, to include plans, specifications, cost estimate, and a briefing to the client. Execution of the design requires extensive use of computer-based analysis and design tools. Prerequisite: EN490.
EN492 Civil Engineering Professional Practice (4 units)
The course focuses on issues related to the professional practice of civil engineering and is intended to augment and enrich students’ EN490/491 design experience. Topics include professional roles and responsibilities, professional registration, continuing education, engineering ethics, procurement of work, competitive bidding, and quality-based selection processes. Prerequisite: EN490.
The Bachelor of Science in Architecture is a four-year undergraduate degree program, designed to equip ministry-bound men and women with a professional education in Architecture, with emphasis on the design and reconstruction of sacred spaces.
The unique mission of the program is to combine biblical studies and preparation for ministry with the professional expertise of architectural practice. It is also intended that the three disciplines of the college will work and learn collaboratively as a reflection of best practices in the field. The curriculum is designed to meet the accreditation standards of the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) and with the addition of a two year M.S. in Architecture it is intended to meet all NAAB required student outcomes.
All applicants to Olivet University are expected to evince a strong Christian character, potential for effectiveness in Christian ministry, and the scholastic ability and emotional maturity to handle a higher education experience.
Biblical Studies and Theological Studies (48 units)
Students must complete the following twelve core Biblical Studies and Theological Studies courses:
BIBL100 Introduction to Old Testament (4 units)
BIBL110 Introduction to New Testament (4 units)
BIBL140 Pentateuch (4 units)
BIBL200 Life & Teachings of Jesus (4 units)
BIBL210 Acts and Life & Teachings of Paul (4 units)
BIBL211 The Pauline Epistles (4 units)
BIBL220 Non-Pauline Letters and the Apocalypse (4 units)
THEO100 Introduction to Theology (4 units)
THEO200 God, Creation, and Redemption (4 units)
THEO210 Spirit, Church, and Hope (4 units)
THEO110 Historical Theology (4 units)
THEO220 Christian Ethics (4 units)
General Education (55 Units)
ARTH230 Introduction to Arts / MUSC240 Introduction to Music (4 units)
ENGL120 English Literature & Composition (4 units)
MATH100 Calculus I (5 units)*
MATH110 Calculus II (5 units)*
PYHS130 Calculus-Based Physics 1 (4 units)*
PYHS200 Calculus-Based Physics 2 (4 units)*
CHEM210 Chemistry 1 (4 units)*
CHEM211 Chemistry 1 lab (1 units)*
CHEM220 Chemistry 2 (4 units)*
CHEM221 Chemistry 2 lab (1 units)*
EN240 Statics and Dynamics (4 units)*
EN310 Structural Analysis (4 units)*
EN410 Structural Design 1 (4 units)*
EN411 Structural Design 2 (4 units)*
XXxxx Foreign Language (4 units)
*Also contributes to math and basic science credit for the Architecture Major.
General Ministry Skills (0 Unit)
Bachelor of Science Students are required to pass 6 quarters of CS100 Christian Service and 9 quarters of CH000 Chapel.* Please refer to the Christian Service Program Handbook for more detailed information. *Onsite students are required to pass CH000 every term that they are enrolled.
Architecture Major Courses (86 units)
EN140 Introduction to Engineering (2 units)
EN240 Statics and Dynamics (4 units)
EN250 Mechanics of Materials (4 units)
EN310 Structural Analysis (4 units)
EN321 Construction Project Management (4 units)
EN340 Soil Mechanics (4 units)
EN410 Structural Design 1 (4 units)
EN411 Structural Design 2 (4 units)
EN420 Construction Estimating (4 units)
EN490 Senior Design 1 (4 units)
EN491 Senior Design 2 (4 units)
ARCH121 2-D Design/Computer Graphics (4 units)
ARCH131 3-D Design/Orthographic Drawing (4 units)
ARCH212 Architectural Theory (2 units)
ARCH211 History of Architecture 1 (2 units)
ARCH222 Freehand Drawing (2 units)
ARCH221 History of Architecture 2 (2 units)
ARCH231 History of Architecture 3 (2 units)
ARCH232 Technical Drawing (2 units)
ARCH321 Environmental Control Systems 1 (4 units)
ARCH322 Site Design (4 units)
ARCH331 Environmental Control Systems 2 (4 units)
ARCH2xx Professional elective (4 units)
ARCH411 Integrated Building Design (4 units)
ARCH2xx Professional elective (4 units)
Learn more about courses of study at OSE. They are offered as credit or for satisfactory completion on a semester basis. Read More